the Girls
This is a selection of pin-ups that I’ve done over the years.
Bikini Babe 2
This is the second of my Bikini Babes.
Bikini Babe
This is my first non-themed pin-up for a while. I love the shadows.
I think Carolyn Jones is a stunning woman. Especially as Morticia Addams. We lost her way to early.
Augment Monthly
This was a fictitious magazine I did using Dues Ex as a spring board
Skate Girl
The clean version of the Augment Monthly piece.
Voodoo U
I wanted to do a painting that almost had you looking at it through drug fueled eyes.
Space Girl
Just a space girl on a mission.
”I like the composition. The window of the ship reinforces the window on her suit and the fact that her boobs are right in the middle of the frame almost making some sort of vortex you can't turn away from. The fact that the window on her suit is completely unnecessary (technically) adds a bit of humor, and it makes you feel less guilty for looking since the suit is obviously designed to be looked at. The viewer feels safe to look for the aforementioned reasons plus she is encapsulated and not making eye contact. I like that it's not a cliche pin up, you're really using the sci-fi elements to further the composition and not just as a setting or theme.”
- Michelle Lamb
Let's Race
Inspired by a fellow artist named Reiq, I did my own take on one of his characters.
Buckling The Swash
Stepping out of my comfort zone a bit, made this one a bit more painterly. Another pirate girl…got the skin darker also.
Skirting The Issue
This was my Betty Page image. I believe every pin-up artist is supposed to draw her, I think I read that in the rules.
That Damn Thing
The original idea was to do an all reddish picture and it was a good reason to revisit the horns on Love of a Demon Angel.
Stella Interstellar
My first space girl. Named after a song by Stereo Space Sounds Unlimited. Check them out, GO I’ll wait.
Beach Nut
Still trying to find my feet in this pin-up world. A vintage 2007 piece.
Red Sky
A moderately successful pin-up. Another very early attempt. Now that I think about it she’s very pale skinned to be a pirate.
Love of a Demon Angel
The first pin-up I did. Way back in 2002. Inspired by a Rob Zombie song.